Sunday, March 4, 2012

OIM Develop Connectors using ICF and SPI APIS.. Part 1

OIM Develop Connectors using ICF and SPI APIS: Part1:: Implement the configuration class for the Flat File Connector by extending the org.identityconnectors.framework.spi.AbstractConfiguration base class.

  • The implementation of this interface encapsulates the configuration of a connector. Configuration implementation includes all the necessary information of the target system, which is used by the Connector implementation to connect to the target system and perform various reconciliation and provisioning operations. 
  • The implementation should have a default Constructor with setters and getters defined for its properties. Every property declared may not be required but if a property is required, then it should be marked required using the annotation org.identityconnectors.framework.spi.ConfigurationProperty. Configuration implementation is a Java bean and all the instance variables (mandatory or not) do have default values. For example, a string userName is used to connect to the target system and this is a mandatory attribute. This has a default value of null. When userName is a mandatory attribute, ICF expects a value to be provided by Oracle Identity Manager. In other words, Oracle Identity Manager cannot miss out this parameter. If missed, then the connector throws ConfigurationException.
  • The implementation should check that all required properties are available and validated before passing itself to the Connector. The interface provides a validate method for this purpose. For example, there are three mandatory configuration parameters, such as the IP address of the target, the username to connect to the target, and the password for the user. The validate method implementation can check for non-NULL values and valid IP address by using regex.
package org.identityconnectors.flatfile;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.common.exceptions.ConfigurationException;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.spi.AbstractConfiguration;
import org.identityconnectors.framework.spi.ConfigurationProperty;
 * Class for storing the flat file configuration
public class FlatFileConfiguration extends AbstractConfiguration {
 * Storage file name
private File storeFile;
 * Delimeter used
private String textFieldDelimeter;    
 * Unique attribute field name
private String uniqueAttributeName = "";
 * Change attribute field name. Should be numeric
private String changeLogAttributeName = "";

public File getStoreFile() {
return storeFile;

public String getTextFieldDelimeter() {
return textFieldDelimeter;

     public String getUniqueAttributeName() {
        return uniqueAttributeName;

    public String getChangeLogAttributeName() {
        return changeLogAttributeName;

     * Set the store file
     * @param storeFile
    @ConfigurationProperty(order = 1, helpMessageKey = "USER_ACCOUNT_STORE_HELP",
            displayMessageKey = "USER_ACCOUNT_STORE_DISPLAY")
    public void setStoreFile(File storeFile) {
        this.storeFile = storeFile;

     * Set the text field delimeter
     * @param textFieldDelimeter
    @ConfigurationProperty(order = 2,
            helpMessageKey = "USER_STORE_TEXT_DELIM_HELP",
            displayMessageKey = "USER_STORE_TEXT_DELIM_DISPLAY")
    public void setTextFieldDelimeter(String textFieldDelimeter) {
        this.textFieldDelimeter = textFieldDelimeter;

     * Set the field whose values will be considered as unique attributes
     * @param uniqueAttributeName
    @ConfigurationProperty(order = 3, helpMessageKey = "UNIQUE_ATTR_HELP",
            displayMessageKey = "UNIQUE_ATTR_DISPLAY")
    public void setUniqueAttributeName(String uniqueAttributeName) {
        this.uniqueAttributeName = uniqueAttributeName;

     * Set the field name where change number should be stored
     * @param changeLogAttributeName
    @ConfigurationProperty(order = 3, helpMessageKey = "CHANGELOG_ATTR_HELP",
            displayMessageKey = "CHANGELOG_ATTR_DISPLAY")
    public void setChangeLogAttributeName(String changeLogAttributeName) {
        this.changeLogAttributeName = changeLogAttributeName;
    public void validate() {
        // Validate if file exists and is usable
        boolean validFile = (this.storeFile.exists() &&
                this.storeFile.canRead() &&
                this.storeFile.canWrite() &&
        if (!validFile)
            throw new ConfigurationException("User store file not valid");
        // Validate if there is a field on name of unique attribute field name      
        // Validate if there is a field on name of change attribute field name
        // Initialization does the validation

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