Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Salesforce.com Creating the Community

Salesforce.com Creating the Community

To create the MindTelligent Community, complete the following steps:

  • Go to Setup | Customize | Communities | All Communities | Manage Communities.

  • Click on the New Community button.

  • Enter Force MindTelligents for the community name.

  •  Enter Community for MindTelligent  Clients and Partners for the Description field to describe the purpose of the community.

  •  The next step is to enter a URL for the community. This will equate to a subdirectory name underneath the domain prefix entered by you, when you  enabled the communities and the Salesforce instance that you are running on. For this example, enter volunteers.

  • Your screen should resemble the following screenshot:

  • Verify the success message

Use SSH Keys to clone GIT Repository using SSH

  1. Generate a New SSH Key Pair bash ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "HSingh@MindTelligent.com" -t rsa specifies the type of key (...