Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Customizing Okta Accounts Page, Organization Logo and Appearance

Customizing Okta

The Settings menu allows you to customize the look and feel of your organization. Admins can customize elements such as headings, labels, and the appearance of the Okta My Applications or "home" page, as well as the look and feel of the activation email. The Settings menu also includes a Downloads option to the latest browser plug-ins and admin downloads.
The Settings menu is an option on the Administrator Dashboard:
User-added image

Account Page

As an admin, you can supply contact information for your org, including organization, end-user support, billing, and technical contacts. You can also give Okta Support temporary access to your account for troubleshooting purposes, and can select the type of email notifications you want to receive. The Account page hosts all of this information.

  1. Select Settings > Account.
  2. Click the corresponding Edit link to specify the following:
    • Organization Contact: Used by Okta to communicate with your organization.
    • End User Support Contact: Enter a support phone number that will display on Okta help pages.
    • Technical Contact: Receives notices when users send a help request. The email address appears on all new user registration emails.
    • Billing Information: Used by Okta for billing purposes.
    • Give Access to Okta Support: By default this is Disabled. If you want to allow Okta Support to login to your account as an administrator for troubleshooting purposes, click Edit, then change this option toEnabled. Access is only enabled for 8 hours; after which you will need to re-enable access for Okta Support again.
    • Email Notifications: Configure which email notifications are sent to you by doing the following:
    1. From your Administrator Dashboard, select Settings > Account, and then click Edit in the Email Notifications section.
    2. For each email notification that you want to receive, select the corresponding check box.
  1. Once you have made any changes to your account settings, click Save.

Appearance Page

Admins can specify the look and feel of their end users'  My Applications or "home" page. The Appearancepage allows for customizing how much or how little of Okta is shown for an org.

Display Options

The elements under Display Options have a large impact on how your end users experience their My Applications home page, as well as the admin user experience.  
  1. Select Settings > Appearance.
  1. In the Display Options section, click Edit
  1. You can specify 2 display options here:
  • Logo URL: If you choose to upload your org's logo (as explained in the following section), you can have the logo link to your company's website. Specify the URL you want to link to in this field.
Note: A logo must be uploaded before the link can become active. See Organization Logo below for instructions on how to add a company logo. 
  • Enable Okta Home Footer: Specify whether you want to the Okta footer to appear on your end users' Home pages (True/False)
  1. Click Save.

Organization Logo

One way you can customize your end users' My Applications or "home" page is to add the company logo for your org.
  1. Prepare a logo file. The file must be in .jpg, .png, or .gif format. The maximum file size is 100kB, and the maximum dimensions are 3000 x 500px.
  1. ​Select Settings > Appearance.
  1. Under Organization Logo, click Upload Logo, and then browse to find the logo file you previously created.
  1. Click Upload Logo. The image appears as a thumbnail which displays when your users sign in.

Application Theme

Choose an application theme to customize the look and feel for your end users. Click on a thumbnail to choose a theme.
  1. Select Settings > Appearance.
  1. From under Application Theme, select a thumbnail. The Change Theme button appears. This is the color scheme that will appear on your end user's My Applications home page. 
The selected theme appears with these colors when your end users sign in.

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