Please click here to see how to use Enterprise Manager to import and export MDS
On the FMW server, navigate to #ORACLE_COMMON/bin
However, for deletion, please refer to following steps
On the FMW server, navigate to #ORACLE_COMMON/bin
cd ${ORACLE_HOME}/oracle_common/common/bin
Execute file:
Give the command
connect('weblogic','password','t3://WeblogicHost:7001') //Please use the Weblogic Admin Server Port here.
Give The Command to remove a specific folder. This command will remove the /app/Test folder.
sca_removeSharedData(' http://soaHost:ManagedServerPort','Test')
sca_removeSharedData(' http://localhost:8001','Test')
You should see following message:
You should see following message:
sca_removeSharedData(' http://localhost:8000','Test')
serverURL = http://localhost:8000
folderName = Test
user = None
INFO: Creating HTTP connection
to host:localhost, port:8000
Enter username and password for
realm 'default' on host localhost:8000
Authentication Scheme: Basic
Username: weblogic
INFO: Received HTTP response
from the server, response code=200
---->Remove shared data
Give The Command to remove a specific file. This command will remove the file: /apps/Test/SOAPService.wsdl'