Monday, May 1, 2023

Developing a custom connector in Oracle Integration Cloud

 Developing a custom connector in Oracle Integration Cloud involves the following steps:

  1. Define the connector metadata: Start by defining the metadata for the connector. This metadata describes the connector's name, icon, description, and endpoint URL.

  2. Define the connector operations: After defining the metadata, define the connector's operations. These operations describe the actions that the connector can perform. For example, if the connector is for a CRM system, the operations could include creating a new contact, updating an existing contact, or deleting a contact.

  3. Generate the connector SDK: Once the connector metadata and operations have been defined, generate the connector SDK. The SDK provides the code and tools necessary to build and deploy the connector.

  4. Implement the connector functionality: Using the SDK, implement the connector functionality. This involves writing the code that communicates with the target system and performs the operations defined in step 2.

  5. Test the connector: After implementing the connector functionality, test the connector to ensure that it works as expected.

  6. Deploy the connector: Once the connector has been tested, deploy it to Oracle Integration Cloud.

  7. Share the connector: Finally, share the connector with other users in your organization or community.

Create an adapter project

To create an adapter project, you will need to use the Oracle Integration Cloud Adapter Development Kit (ADK). The ADK is a collection of tools and documentation that can help you to develop custom adapters for Oracle Integration Cloud.

To download the ADK, go to the Oracle Integration Cloud website and click on the "Downloads" link.

Once you have downloaded the ADK, extract the contents to a directory of your choice.

Implement the required interfaces

To develop a custom connector, you will need to implement the following interfaces:

  • This interface provides the basic functionality for an adapter.
  • This interface provides the functionality for a specific operation, such as a query or a save.

Compile and deploy the adapter

Once you have implemented the required interfaces, you can compile and deploy the adapter.

To compile the adapter, use the following command:

javac -d build *.java

To deploy the adapter, use the following command:

java -jar oic-adapter-deployer.jar build

Register the adapter with Oracle Integration Cloud

Once you have deployed the adapter, you can register it with Oracle Integration Cloud.

To register the adapter, go to the Oracle Integration Cloud web console and click on the "Connectors" link.

Click on the "Add Connector" button and select the "Custom Connector" option.

Enter the name and description of the adapter and click on the "Next" button.

Select the adapter JAR file and click on the "Next" button.

Click on the "Save" button to register the adapter.

Once the adapter is registered, you can use it to integrate with other applications.

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