Monday, July 24, 2023

AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) tasks

To automate AWS Database Migration Service (DMS) tasks, you can use the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), SDKs (such as Boto3 for Python), or AWS CloudFormation to create scripts or templates for automated deployment and management.

Here are steps to automate AWS DMS tasks using the CLI:

1. Install and Configure AWS CLI: 

   Ensure you have the AWS CLI installed and configured with the necessary credentials and permissions.

2. Create a Replication Instance:

   Use the AWS CLI to create a replication instance:


   aws dms create-replication-instance --replication-instance-identifier my-replication-instance --replication-instance-class dms.t2.micro --allocated-storage 20 --region us-west-2


3.  Create a Replication Task: 

   Create a task to specify what data to migrate:


   aws dms create-replication-task --replication-task-identifier my-replication-task --source-endpoint-arn source-endpoint-arn --target-endpoint-arn target-endpoint-arn --migration-type full-load


4.  Start/Stop Replication Task: 

   You can start or stop a replication task using the AWS CLI:


   aws dms start-replication-task --replication-task-arn replication-task-arn

   aws dms stop-replication-task --replication-task-arn replication-task-arn


5.  Monitor Replication Task: 

   To monitor the task's progress or status:


   aws dms describe-replication-tasks --filters Name="replication-task-id",Values="my-replication-task"


6.  Modify Replication Task: 

   To modify an existing task:


   aws dms modify-replication-task --replication-task-arn replication-task-arn --replication-task-settings file://task-settings.json


7.  Delete Resources: 

   After migration, delete resources to avoid unnecessary costs:


   aws dms delete-replication-task --replication-task-arn replication-task-arn

   aws dms delete-replication-instance --replication-instance-arn replication-instance-arn


Remember to substitute placeholders like `my-replication-instance`, `my-replication-task`, `source-endpoint-arn`, `target-endpoint-arn`, `replication-task-arn`, etc., with your specific resource identifiers.

You can also combine these commands into scripts (e.g., Bash, Python) for more complex automation or incorporate them into infrastructure-as-code (IaC) tools like AWS CloudFormation or AWS CDK for better management and version control.

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