Saturday, January 28, 2012

Oracle Service Bus: How to create Proxy and Business Services Part 2.1: Tutorial Create an OSB Session and Define Project

Oracle Service Bus: How to create Proxy and Business Services Part 2.1: Tutorial; Create an OSB Session and Define Project

To fully comprehend the tutorial, the viewers are advised to understand the concepts of Oracle Service Bus 11g in the thread 
Oracle Service Bus: How to create Proxy and Business Services Part 1: Introduction and Concepts
Tutorial Objective
The objective of this tutorial is to create and test a routing scenario using the graphical environment provided in Oracle Service Bus Console. It includes the following tasks:

  • Importing Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) files
  • Registering business services
  • Creating a proxy service
  • Configuring content-based routing
This tutorial introduces you to:

  • Using Oracle Service Bus Console
  • Implementation details of proxy services: message flows and actions
  • Editing XQuery expressions using the XQuery Expression Editor
  • Working with context variables to manipulate the content of the message
Use Case Definition
A primary mortgage company uses Oracle Service Bus to route loan applications to
appropriate business services based on the interest rate requested. An application
containing a request for a rate less than 5% requires management approval and is
routed to an appropriate business service for processing. All other loan applications
are routed to the appropriate business service for processing.

Create a Session and Setup a Project
  •   Navigate to the Service Bus Console uisng the u.r.l. http://localhost:7001/sbconsole.

1. In the Oracle Service Bus Console Change Center click Create to create a new session.
2. In the Oracle Service Bus Console navigation pane, select the Project Explorer.
The project explorer opens in the navigation pane and a Project page is displayed on the console.
3. In the Enter New Project Name field in the Projects section, type MortgageBroker

4.) In the project explorer, click the MortgageBroker project to open the associated project page.

5.) On the Project page, in Folders, enter the folder name in the field provided.

6.) Repeat the previous steps to create the following additional folders: ProxyService and BusinessService.

7.)When all three folders are created, click Activate, enter a description of the
changes you just made, and click Submit to save the project directory

Create the normalLoan WSDL Resource
To Import a WSDL
1. In the Oracle Service Bus Console Change Center click Create to create a
new session.
2. In Oracle Service Bus Console navigation pane, select the Project Explorer.
3. In the project explorer, click the WSDL folder you created.
4. In the Resources pane, from the Select Resource Type list, select WSDL.

5. a. Enter normalLoan as the resource name.
b. Click Browse. Select the WSDL associated with the normal loan

Create the managerApproval WSDL Resource
Perform the previous step and create the managerApproval WSDL from the directory OSB_ORACLE_HOME\samples\servicebus\examples\src\examples\we

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