Create a Proxy Service
In this thread, you will create a proxy service. The proxy service is used to route
the loan application to the appropriate business service.
To Create the Proxy Service
1. In the Oracle Service Bus Console Change Center click Create to create a
new session.
2. In the Project Explorer, select the MortgageBroker project. The project
folder is expanded to show the directory structure of the project.
3. Select the ProxyService folder.
4. In the Select Resource Type list, select Proxy Service.
5. Give the proxy service a Service Name of LoanGateway1.
6. In Service Type, select WSDL Web Service, then click Browse.
The Select a WSDL page is displayed. The proxy service is based on the
WSDL resource that you originally created, hence you must reference the
resource here.
7. Select the normalLoan WSDL. The Select WSDL Definitions pane is
populated with the content categories of the WSDL.
8. In Select WSDL Definitions pane, from the Ports category, Click helloPort,
which is the WSDL port for the normalLoan WSDL (helloPort).
9. Click Submit.
10. Click Next to continue configuring the proxy service.
11. Accept the default protocol, http.
12. Set the Endpoint URI to /loan/gateway1. This is the URI to which the
client will send its messages.
13. Accept the default for the Get All Headers option (No), and click Next. The
Create a Proxy Service-HTTP Transport Configuration page is displayed.
14. Click Next.
15. On the Operation Selection Configuration page, accept the default selection
algorithm (SOAP Body Type). Click Next.
16. On the Message Handling page, click Next.
17. The Create a Proxy Service – Summary page is displayed. This page shows a
summary of configuration settings for the proxy service.
Before registering the proxy service, you can review the configuration
settings and change them if necessary, by clicking Edit icon.
18. After reviewing the proxy service configuration settings, click Save to register
the service.
19. Click the LoanGateway1 link in the Resources pane of
MortgageBroker/ProxyServices to go the View a Proxy Service page. The View
a Proxy Service page is displayed.
To enable monitoring:
1. Click the Operational Settings tab.
2. Select the Enable Pipeline Monitoring check box for the Monitoring
3. Choose an aggregation interval for the service. The aggregation interval is
the period over which aggregated statistics related to the service are
computed for display in the Oracle Service Bus Console dashboard. You can
also accept the default value for the Aggregation Interval, which is set to five
4. Click Update.
5. Activate the session.
This step completes the configuration of the LoanGateway1 proxy service in Oracle
Service Bus Console.