Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Deployment of SpringBoot Services on AWS Elastic Container Services: Part 3 Create Task Definitions

Deployment of SpringBoot Services on AWS Elastic Container Services: Part 3 Create Task Definitions

For the second part of this thread, please click on Part 2

Task definitions specify how Amazon ECS deploys the application containers across the cluster.

  • From the Amazon ECS left navigation menu, select Task Definitions.
  • Select Create new Task Definition.

  • On the Select launch type compatibility page, select the EC2 option then select Next step.

  • On the Configure task and container definitions page, do the following:
    • In the Task Definition Name field, enter api.
    • Scroll down to Container Definitions and select Add container.
    • In the Add container window:
      • Parameters that are not defined can be either left blank or with the default settings.
      • In the Container name field, enter api.
      • In the Image field, enter [account-ID].dkr.ecr.[region].amazonaws.com/api:v1
        Replace [account-ID] and [region] with your specific information. Ensure the tag v1 matches the value you used in Module 1 to tag and push the image. This is the URL of your ECR repository image that was created in the previous module.
      • In the Memory Limits field, verify Hard limit is selected and enter 256 as the value.
      • Under Port mappings, Host port = 0 and Container port = 3000.
      • Scroll to ENVIRONMENT, CPU units = 256.
  • Select Add.
    You will return to the Configure task and container definitions page.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Create.

Your Task Definition is listed in the console.

The Task Definition looks like as follows:

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