Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Deployment of SpringBoot Services on AWS Elastic Container Services: Part 2 Create AWS ECS (Amazon Elastic Container Services) Cluster with Cloud Formation Template provided.

 Deployment of SpringBoot Services on AWS Elastic Container Services:  Part 2 Create AWS ECS (Amazon Elastic Container Services) Cluster with Cloud Formation Template provided.

To deploy the Docker Images, please refer to this link, Part 1 of this thread

Create an Amazon ECS cluster deployed behind an Application Load Balancer.

  1. Navigate to the AWS CloudFormation console.
  2. Select Create stack.
  3. Select Upload a template file and choose the ecs.yml 
  4. For the stack name, enter BreakTheMonolith-Demo. Verify that the other parameters have the following values:
    1. Desired Capacity = 2
    2. InstanceType = t2.micro
    3. MaxSize = 2
  5. Select Next.
  6. On the Configure stack options page, keep the default options and scroll down and select Next.

Ensure the cluster is running

  • Select the ECS Instances tab to verify there are two Amazon EC2 instances created by the AWS CloudFormation template.

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