Thursday, April 27, 2023

Deploy Microservice in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure


Deploy Microservice in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

1.   Create a Compute Instance

First, you need to create a Compute Instance in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. This is a virtual machine that will host your Spring Boot application.

To create a Compute Instance, follow these steps:

1.   Go to the Compute Instances page in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.

2.   Click Create Instance.

3.   In the Create Instance dialog, select the Operating System and Image for your Compute Instance.

4.   Click Create.

It will take a few minutes for your Compute Instance to be created.

2.   Install Java and Maven

Once your Compute Instance is created, you need to install Java and Maven. Java is the programming language that Spring Boot is written in, and Maven is a build tool that is used to build and deploy Spring Boot applications.

To install Java and Maven, follow these steps:

1.   SSH into your Compute Instance.

2.   Run the following command to install Java:

Code snippet

sudo apt-get install openjdk-11-jdk


3.   Run the following command to install Maven:

Code snippet

sudo apt-get install maven


3.   Create a Spring Boot Application

Now that you have Java and Maven installed, you can create a Spring Boot application.

To create a Spring Boot application, follow these steps:

1.   Create a new directory for your Spring Boot application.

2.   In the directory, run the following command to create a new Spring Boot project:

mvn archetype:generate -DgroupId=com.example -DartifactId=my-spring-boot-application -DarchetypeArtifactId=maven-archetype-quickstart

This will create a new Spring Boot project with the name my-spring-boot-application.

4.   Build and Deploy the Application

Once you have created a Spring Boot application, you can build and deploy it.

To build and deploy the application, follow these steps:

1.   In the directory of your Spring Boot application, run the following command to build the application:

mvn clean install


2.   Run the following command to deploy the application to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure:

cf push my-spring-boot-application



This will deploy your Spring Boot application to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

5.   Access the Application

Once your Spring Boot application is deployed, you can access it by going to the following URL:




For example, if your application is deployed in the us-central1 region, the URL would be:



You can now access your Spring Boot application in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console.


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