Friday, April 21, 2023

Title: How to Deploy Kubernetes with Helm Charts


Title: How to Deploy Kubernetes with Helm Charts


Kubernetes is a powerful container orchestration platform that can be used to deploy

and manage containerized applications. Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes

that makes it easy to deploy and manage Helm charts, which are packages that contain

all the Kubernetes resources needed to deploy an application.

In this blog post, we will show you how to deploy Kubernetes with Helm charts.

We will start by creating a Helm chart for a simple application, and then we will deploy

the application to Kubernetes.


· Kubernetes cluster

· Helm

Creating a Helm Chart:

To create a Helm chart, we will use the following command:

helm create my-app

This will create a new directory called my-app that contains the Helm chart for

our application.

The my-app directory contains the following files:

· Chart.yaml: This file contains metadata about the Helm chart, 

· such as the name, version, and description.

· values.yaml: This file contains default values for the Helm chart's parameters.

· templates: This directory contains the Kubernetes resources that will be

· deployed when the Helm chart is installed.


Deploying the Helm Chart:

To deploy the Helm chart, we will use the following command:

helm install my-app

This will deploy the Helm chart to Kubernetes.

Once the Helm chart has been deployed, you can verify that the application

is running by using the following command:

kubectl get pods

This command will list all the pods that are running in your Kubernetes cluster.


In this blog post, we showed you how to deploy Kubernetes with Helm charts.

We started by creating a Helm chart for a simple application, and then

we deployed the application to Kubernetes.

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