Monday, January 31, 2011

Oracle Internet Directory 11g Management

Oracle Internet Directory 11g Management

  • Stop all the processes using the command /oracle/Oracle/Middleware/asinst_1/bin/opmnctl stopall
  • Checking Input for Schema and Data Consistency Violations and Generating the Input Files for SQL*Loader
On UNIX, the bulkload tool usually resides in $ORACLE_HOME/ldap/bin. On Microsoft Windows, this tool usually resides in ORACLE_HOME\ldap\bin.

  • Check the input file and generate files for the SQL*Loader by typing:
bulkload connect="connect_string" \
   check="TRUE" generate="TRUE" file="full_path_to_ldif-file_name"

  • All check-related errors are reported as command line output. All schema violations are reported in ORACLE_INSTANCE/diagnostics/logs/OID/tools/bulkload.log. All bad entries are logged in ORACLE_INSTANCE/OID/load/badentry.ldif.
If there are duplicate entries, their DNs are logged in ORACLE_INSTANCE/diagnostics/logs/OID/tools/duplicateDN.log. This is just for information purpose. The bulkload tool does not generate duplicate data for duplicate entries. It ignores duplicate entries.
  •  To Load the data give the command
bulkload connect="connect_string" load="TRUE"
The connect string is “OIDDB”

Deleting Entries or Attributes of Entries by Using bulkdelete
 bulkdelete is useful for deleting the attributes of a large number of entries in an existing directory. 
bulkdelete can delete entries specified under a naming context. By default, it deletes entries completely. It removes all traces of an entry from the database. If you use the option cleandb FALSE, bulkdelete turns all entries into tombstone entries instead of deleting them completely.

bulkdelete connect=OIDDB cleandb=TRUE verbose=TRUE basedn="dc=sjc, dc=org"

Use SSH Keys to clone GIT Repository using SSH

  1. Generate a New SSH Key Pair bash ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" -t rsa specifies the type of key (...